Woman Speeds, Crashes on Florida Beach

When you’re at the beach, you’re likely enjoying yourself in the sand or in the water with friends and family. You usually don’t have to worry about anything except sharks. Well, in a recent case in Florida, beachgoers had to watch out for a car, as they almost got plowed over by a drunk driver driving on the beach.
The incident happened on the afternoon of May 27 at Smyrna Dunes Park in New Smyrna Beach. People were enjoying a day at the beach when a 26-year-old woman from Orlando came speeding along the beach in her vehicle. According to the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office, the woman was going 50 miles per hour.
The woman was allegedly driving drunk when she crashed into an inlet. Beachgoers watched the vehicle plow into the water. The vehicle became stuck in the sand on the shore. Many people gathered around the car to get a closer look.
When asked how she ended up on the beach, the woman told police that she was just trying to turn around. However, she didn’t think that we could do a U-turn around the beach area, so she kept on going.
The location where the vehicle was speeding was in an area close to several families and their dogs. She almost hit a child.
The woman had a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.153, which is almost twice the legal limit. She was charged with driving under the influence and reckless driving and was also cited for not obeying a traffic control device.
Effects of Drunk Driving
Many people use alcohol to have a good time. This is usually fine, except for when they get behind the wheel of a vehicle. Alcohol and cars don’t mix. This is because alcohol reduces the function of the brain. As you can imagine, this makes it difficult to drive. Thinking, reasoning and muscle coordination are all impaired by the alcohol in the body.
While the BAC is 0.08 in almost all states (Utah is the only exception, at 0.05), you could be intoxicated with an even lower BAC. Even a small amount of alcohol can affect driving ability. Every year, thousands of people are killed in alcohol-related crashes where a driver had a BAC of 0.01 to 0.07.
The woman in this case had a BAC of 0.153. A person with this BAC is substantially impaired.
They have far less muscle control and major loss of balance.
Contact a Personal Injury Attorney Today
Drunk driving is a serious issue. When there is water and many people involved, the results could be dangerous. Fortunately, nobody was injured in this accident.
Driving while intoxicated is not a funny situation. Many lives have been harmed by this behavior. If you have been affected, contact a Tampa drunk driving accident attorney from Moore Law. Fill out the online form or call 813-510-5400 to schedule a free consultation.