Guide to Dog Bites

People love their dogs and will often do anything to defend them. Many say their dogs would never bite someone. But the truth is that they might, and the results could be catastrophic. Even President Biden’s dog, a German Shepherd, has bitten Secret Service agents a whopping 11 times since October 2022. One incident required a hospital visit.
While any dog can bite, some breeds of dogs are more likely to do so. Plus, certain demographics are more likely to be victims. Are you at risk for an injury? Is your dog likely to bite? Here’s a guide that will answer your questions and tell you what you need to know.
Florida Children at Risk
There’s a high risk that Florida children will get bitten and seriously injured by a dog. The injury rate is highest for children between the ages of 5 and 9 years old. However, children as young as 1 year old face a higher risk. Boys are more likely than girls to get bitten. Children under the age of 10 are smaller than teens and adults and are more likely to get bitten on the head or neck.
Every year, two Florida residents are killed by dog attacks, on average. More than 600 Florida residents are seriously injured from dog bites every year. Of these, 86% involve children under 6 years old, with most involving household dogs. Among older victims (over the age of 15), dog bites are most likely to occur when a person attempts to break up a dog fight. Across all age groups, the most common cause of dog bites was inappropriate behavior management. This includes behaviors such as interacting with the dog while it was eating food or chewing on a toy, roughhousing with the dog, or touching a dog against its will. This accounted for 26% of dog bites.
Off-leash dogs are also a risk. Dogs that were off their owner’s property and not on a leash were the source of approximately one-third of all dog bites reported. Almost 90% involved dogs unknown to the victim.
Any Dog Can Bite
It’s important for dog owners to understand that any dog can bite. A dog’s propensity to bite is not determined by breed but rather by behavior and history. So any dog, whether it is big or small, young or old, can attack someone and cause serious injuries or even fatalities.
Dogs bite for a variety of reasons, but most commonly as a reaction to something. They may be trying to protect their property. They may be anxious or scared. Some dogs are more likely to bite when they are injured or sick.
Contact a Personal Injury Attorney Today
Any dog can bite. Even a trained dog can attack and cause serious injuries and even fatalities.
Have you been a dog bite victim? If so, a Tampa dog bites & animal attacks attorney from Moore Law can help you get compensation for your injuries. Let us guide you through the process. Schedule a free consultation today by calling 813-510-5400 or filling out the online form.