Florida Man Crushed To Death In Construction Accident

The construction industry is very dangerous. Heights, machinery, and tools make jobsites hazardous for employees, causing serious construction accidents. Buildings are also prone to collapse, and any workers in the building at the time can fall to their death.
Sadly, this was the case for a Florida man working on a Dollar General store in Orange City. The fatal construction accident occurred on the afternoon of November 8 on S. Volusia Avenue.
The 67-year-old man from Kissimmee was working on the roof with his 57-year-old brother. The two were working with lumber when the trusses came down and the roof started to collapse. The 67-year-old man tried to run out of the way, but he was pinned in the collapse. He was crushed and killed in the accident.
The 57-year-old man fell with the roof as it collapsed. He suffered a leg injury and was taken to AdventHealth Fish Memorial for treatment. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is investigating the fatal accident.
Causes of Construction Accidents
Collapses are just one cause of construction accidents. They can also be caused by the following:
- Lack of fall protection for workers. Workers should wear harnesses and other protective equipment when working at heights.
- Slips and falls. Water, oil, and other substances can cause workers to slip and fall.
- Ladder accidents. Ladders are often used on construction sites. If not used properly, they can become unstable and cause workers to fall and suffer broken bones, head trauma, and other serious injuries.
- Getting hit by falling objects. Materials and tools can fall off roofs and shelves, causing head injuries if the worker is not wearing a hard hat or other head protection.
- Unsafe equipment. Power tools and machinery can be defective or work poorly due to a lack of maintenance.
- Missing guards on power tools. Power tools often have guards and other protections, and without them, workers can suffer severe injuries.
- Tripping hazards. Construction materials and debris can get in the way and cause workers to trip if not properly organized.
- Lack of safety precautions when working near power lines. Energized power lines can be found above ground and underground and can cause workers to get electrocuted, resulting in fatality.
- Lack of protection for workers in trenches. Trenches should be inspected regularly and there should be exits available, such as ladders or stairs, in the event of a collapse.
- Unsafe property conditions. Holes, debris, downed power lines, and other dangers on property can cause injury to workers.
Contact a Personal Injury Attorney Today
Dangers are inherent at construction sites, making accidents catastrophic or even fatal in nature. Employers need to do their part to make job sites as safe as possible. When they fail to do so, they can be held liable.
The Tampa construction accident lawyer at Moore Law can assist you with your construction accident case. We’ll help you with liability issues and help you find the right people to sue for your damages. At Moore Law, we’ll help you get more. Fill out the online form or call 813-510-5400 to schedule a free consultation.