Monthly Archives: June 2024

Construction Worker Dies After Falling in Shaft
In the construction industry, struck-by accidents are common. Workers can get hit by an object and lose their balance, causing them to fall many feet to the ground. These accidents are often catastrophic and even deadly. Sadly, this was recently the case in Orange County. Rescue workers extricated a worker from a shaft, but… Read More »

Oysters Causing Norovirus in Florida, Other States
Many people enjoy eating seafood such as oysters. While we expect that they will be sold at stores and cooked properly in restaurants without any issues, sometimes problems do occur. Food may need to be recalled due to food poisoning or other illnesses. This recently happened with oysters sold and served in Florida and… Read More »

Apartment Explosion Leads to Wrongful Death Lawsuit
Nobody really thinks about their home exploding, but sadly, this happened at an apartment in Orange County on March 1. A woman inside the apartment was badly burned, dying a week later. Her family is now filing a wrongful death lawsuit to warn others about the situation. The explosion occurred on the morning of… Read More »