1 Killed In DUI Crash

Car accidents can be caused by a variety of factors. Many are caused by a driver’s negligent or reckless behavior, such as drunk driving.
Drunk driving accidents can be fatal. Sadly, this was recently the case in Largo, when a drunk driver caused a three-car crash, killing one person. The fatal accident occurred on the morning of December 5 on East Bay Drive.
A man was driving his Toyota SUV along the road when he tried to pass a vehicle. He clipped the vehicle and swerved into oncoming traffic. He then hit a Nissan head-on.
The driver of the Nissan was killed in the crash. A rear passenger was injured. The driver of the Toyota, a man from Pinellas County, showed signs of impairment. A blood test showed that he had a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.137. He has been charged with vehicular manslaughter.
Effect of Blood Alcohol
The more alcohol you drink, the more your BAC increases. As alcohol levels rise, the central nervous system suffers negative effects. When you drink alcohol, it is absorbed through the small intestine and stomach. The alcohol then passes into the bloodstream and is eventually metabolized by the liver.
Even one drink can bring your BAC to 0.02, which can alter your mood and make you feel more relaxed. While you might not think that can affect your driving too much, it can cause a decline in vision and make it harder for you to multitask.
At 0.05 BAC, you’ll feel good but you’ll also feel less alert. You’ll have difficulty steering and responding in emergency situations.
When your BAC hits the legal limit of 0.08, your risk of getting into a car accident increases exponentially. Muscle control is poor and you’ll have trouble with speech, vision, and balance. Your judgment and reasoning will be impaired. You’ll also have problems with memory and concentration.
When a person has a BAC of 0.10, things become worse. A person will suffer slurred speech and loss of coordination. Their thinking, control, and reaction time will all deteriorate. They will not be able to brake properly or stay in their lane.
At 0.15, a person has far less muscle control than normal, along with a major loss of balance. Vomiting may also occur. A person at this BAC will suffer substantial impairment in various areas, including auditory and visual. Vehicle control will also be impaired.
Contact a Personal Injury Attorney Today
Impairment by alcohol can cause a person to engage in reckless and dangerous behavior such as drunk driving. If you or a loved one has been a victim, seek legal help right away to protect yourself.
Let the Tampa car accident attorney at Moore Law assist you with your car accident case. Trust our dedication and experience. Don’t settle for less. Get Moore. Schedule a free consultation with our office by calling 813-510-5400 or filling out the online form.